2008 Kyoto and Hiroshima, Japan

Sixth International Conference of Museums for Peace

From 6 – 10 October 2008 the sixth International Conference of Museums for Peace was held at the Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto University of Art and Design, and the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum in Japan.

This conference, themed Peace museums as spaces for creating peace: Building ‘peace literacy’ for global problem-solving, was attended by several thousands of participants, including many directors and staff of peace museums. Two publications were issued at the start of this conference Museums for Peace Worldwide (Ed. Kazuyo Yamane) & Museums for Peace: Past, Present and Future (Eds. Ikuro Anzai, Joyce Apsel, Syed Sikander Mehdi).

The Peacemaking Paradigms: Reflections on the 6th Conference

Conference Report 2008

The proceedings of the sixth conference have been published in 2009 (Kyoto).